Manual trigger with arcade button for eurorack

I wanted to create my own module for eurorack from start to finish and make my first pcb layout. This is my journey to my diy arcade trigger eurorack module.
I wanted to create my own module for eurorack from start to finish and make my first pcb layout. This is my journey to my diy arcade trigger eurorack module.
I wanted a switch for my modular synthesizer and a cable I can unplug and which isn't hardwired.
I wanted to build a small midi controller. It should be cheap, 3d-printable and with usb.
I've got the idea that a tuner for my modular synthesizer would be nice. And the cheapest route in my mind would be to convert a guitar pedal tuner. So I bought the cheapest one I could get. When the glorious Harley Benton CPT-20 arrived at my home, the journey began...